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The Saudi Arabian Lifestyle A Unique Blend of East and West

The Saudi Arabian Lifestyle A Unique Blend of East and West

Unveiling the Saudi Arabian Lifestyle

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle is a captivating blend of tradition and modernity, deeply rooted in Islamic teachings and Arab customs, while progressively embracing Western influences1. At its core, the Saudi lifestyle is shaped by the principles of Islam, with over 90% of the population being Sunni Muslims. This adherence to Islamic principles influences daily routines, laws, and social norms.

The Saudi lifestyle also reflects its Bedouin heritage, with traditions such as oral storytelling and hospitality still prevalent. However, the country’s rapid economic development, fueled by its oil wealth, has led to the adoption of Western-style shopping malls, international fashion brands, and entertainment venues2.

Despite these Western influences, the Saudi Arabian lifestyle remains firmly rooted in its cultural and religious heritage. The blend of Eastern and Western elements creates a unique tapestry that is distinctly Saudi. The ongoing reforms and the government’s Vision 2030 initiative further demonstrate the country’s commitment to balancing tradition with progress.

The Role of Religion in Shaping Saudi Arabian Lifestyle

Religion, particularly Islam, is a defining element of the Saudi Arabian lifestyle, influencing every aspect of daily life, from social norms and laws to personal conduct3. The main religious practices in Saudi Arabia are the Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). These practices dictate the rhythm of daily life, fostering a sense of community, compassion, and spiritual connection among Saudis. For instance, the call to prayer echoes five times a day, and businesses temporarily close to allow for prayer time. The annual Hajj pilgrimage brings millions of Muslims to Saudi Arabia, significantly impacting the tourism and service sectors4. In comparison to the “Introduction: Unveiling the Saudi Arabian Lifestyle,” religion’s role in Saudi Arabia is not just a cultural aspect but a comprehensive societal framework. It shapes social interactions, education, politics, and even economics, making it a unique sociological phenomenon.

The Impact of Geography on the Saudi Arabian Lifestyle

Saudi Arabia’s geography significantly impacts its citizens’ lifestyle5. The vast deserts, such as the Rub’ al Khali, foster a lifestyle centred around adaptation to harsh conditions. The scarcity of water resources has led to innovative conservation techniques, mirroring Islamic principles of moderation. Coastal regions like Jeddah and Dammam offer a contrasting lifestyle, with fishing and maritime trade shaping their culture. The geographical isolation due to deserts has contributed to a homogenous religious landscape, with Islam influencing every aspect of life. The presence of Mecca, a city nestled in a valley, holds immense religious significance as the birthplace of Islam and the site of the annual Hajj pilgrimage6. The government’s recent initiatives, such as the Red Sea Project and NEOM, aim to leverage the unique geography for tourism and economic diversification, reflecting the recognition of its influence on the nation’s future.

The Importance of Family in the Saudi Arabian Lifestyle

The family structure in Saudi Arabia is distinctively different from Western cultures, deeply influenced by the country’s unique geographical and religious context7. Unlike the Western nuclear family model, Saudi families often extend beyond the immediate household, encompassing grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This extended family structure, rooted in Bedouin traditions and tribal affiliations, was crucial for survival in the harsh desert environment.

Saudi Arabian society is characterised by strong family values such as respect for elders, loyalty, and mutual support. These values, deeply ingrained in the lifestyle, prioritise communal living over individualism. The teachings of Islam, the state religion, further emphasise the significance of family ties and responsibilities, solidifying the central role of the family8.

Geographical isolation, with vast deserts and a challenging climate, historically necessitated strong familial bonds for survival and prosperity. This interdependence is reflected in the close-knit nature of Saudi families and their reliance on one another for emotional, financial, and practical support. In contrast to Western cultures, where individualism is often prioritised, Saudi Arabian society emphasises collective decision-making and the interests of the family as a whole.

The Influence of Education on the Saudi Arabian Lifestyle

Education in Saudi Arabia significantly shapes the lifestyle and values of its citizens9. Rooted in Islamic teachings, the education system instils religious, cultural, and moral values that influence societal norms and behaviours. The curriculum emphasises religious education, fostering a deep sense of Islamic identity and respect for authority.

Moreover, education reinforces the importance of family, mirroring societal emphasis on familial bonds. Schools often organise events involving family participation, strengthening these ties and fostering respect towards elders. This interplay between education and family values contributes to the unique Saudi Arabian lifestyle.

Furthermore, education serves as a bridge between tradition and modernity. It equips individuals with knowledge and skills to navigate the modern world while preserving their cultural identity. Dr. Ahmed Al-Eissa, a renowned Saudi Arabian academic, underscores this, stating, “Education in Saudi Arabia serves as a bridge between tradition and modernity, shaping a unique societal identity.10 However, critics argue the system lacks emphasis on critical thinking, potentially limiting innovation. The Vision 2030 initiative aims to address this, promoting modernization and diversification in education.

A Vibrant Society with Strong Roots

Saudi Arabia’s vibrant society is deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage and traditions11. Key elements contributing to this vibrancy include a strong sense of community, deep respect for tradition, and a commitment to progress and modernization. The annual Janadriyah Festival, a celebration of traditional arts, crafts, music, and dance, exemplifies this cultural richness and societal vibrancy.

The education system in Saudi Arabia mirrors this vibrancy, intertwining cultural heritage and Islamic values within its curriculum12. Subjects such as Arabic language, literature, and Islamic studies instil a deep understanding of Saudi culture in students, reinforcing societal values and promoting national identity. Moreover, the system’s adaptability to modern demands, seen in the increasing emphasis on critical thinking and creativity, reflects the society’s dynamic nature.

Community engagement and social responsibility, promoted through school-organised activities and events, further strengthen societal vibrancy. This active involvement fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity, reflecting the country’s strong sense of community. Thus, Saudi Arabia’s vibrant society, enriched by its culture and heritage, significantly influences its education system, creating a dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity.

A Vibrant Society with Fulfilling Lives

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, fostering personal growth and contributing to a vibrant society. The nation’s commitment to education and professional development, as seen in the Vision 2030 initiative13, creates numerous opportunities for individuals to thrive. Education plays a crucial role in personal growth, and Saudi Arabia has made significant strides in this area. The government’s investment in education has led to the establishment of world-class universities and research institutions, providing opportunities for Saudis to pursue academic excellence and gain valuable skills.

Professional development is also a priority in Saudi Arabia. The country’s booming economy, driven by sectors such as finance, technology, and tourism, offers diverse career opportunities. The government’s efforts to attract foreign investment and promote entrepreneurship have created a favourable business environment, encouraging innovation and growth. Additionally, the Vision 2030 plan aims to enhance vocational training programmes, equipping individuals with the skills needed for the evolving job market.

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle promotes a sense of fulfilment through strong family values and community engagement. The tradition of extended family living together or nearby fosters close relationships and mutual support. This support network provides emotional stability and a sense of belonging, contributing to personal well-being and growth.

Community engagement is also encouraged, with Saudi Arabia hosting a wide range of cultural, social, and sporting events. Festivals such as the Janadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival celebrate the country’s rich heritage, while events like the Riyadh Season and Jeddah Season showcase the vibrant arts and entertainment scene. The government’s investment in public spaces, parks, and recreational facilities further promotes social interaction and community engagement.

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle is a reflection of the nation’s commitment to tradition and progress. The society’s strong roots in Islamic principles, combined with its rapid modernization, create a unique environment for personal growth and fulfilment. The Vision 2030 plan, with its focus on economic diversification, social development, and cultural enrichment, sets the stage for a vibrant society where individuals can thrive14.

A Vibrant Society with Strong Foundations

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle, deeply rooted in Islamic traditions, tribal customs, and a rich cultural heritage, fosters a vibrant society with strong foundations15. This unique blend of influences promotes a sense of security, derived from the emphasis on collective responsibility, respect for authority, and strong family ties. As noted by sociologist Dr. Ahmed Al-Khateeb, “The societal norms and rules in Saudi Arabia are clearly defined and widely accepted, reducing ambiguity and potential conflicts.”16 The government’s commitment to providing comprehensive social services, including healthcare and education, further contributes to this sense of security. These aspects of the Saudi Arabian lifestyle are closely linked to the fulfilling lives discussed in “The Saudi Arabian Lifestyle: A Vibrant Society with Fulfilling Lives”. A secure environment, both physically and emotionally, is a fundamental prerequisite for a fulfilling life, allowing individuals to pursue their interests, engage in meaningful relationships, and contribute to their communities.

A Thriving Economy with Rewarding Opportunities

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle, a unique blend of tradition and modernity, offers a multitude of economic opportunities. One key sector is tourism, with the nation’s rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks attracting global visitors17. This not only stimulates economic growth but also promotes cultural exchange.

Furthermore, the lifestyle encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. The government’s Vision 2030 plan fosters a conducive environment for startups, particularly in technology, fashion, and food sectors, leading to job creation and economic development18.

Moreover, the high disposable income and preference for luxury goods among Saudis stimulate consumer spending, driving growth in the retail sector. This demand attracts international brands, fostering a competitive market environment.

The strong emphasis on education and technology in Saudi society has led to the growth of the tech industry, attracting foreign investment and creating job opportunities. These economic opportunities are deeply rooted in the strong foundations of the Saudi Arabian society, with the emphasis on education equipping individuals with the skills needed to seize these opportunities. The close-knit family ties and community involvement foster a conducive environment for business and investment.

Opportunities for Home Ownership

Saudi Arabia’s government has launched several initiatives, such as the “Sakani” programme, to boost home ownership rates19. Part of Vision 2030, Sakani aims to increase home ownership to 70% by 2030 and has already aided over 1.3 million families. However, affordability remains a challenge. In 2020, the average price of a residential property in Riyadh was SAR 2,469 per square metre, while the median annual income was SAR 93,000, creating a significant price-to-income barrier.

The government’s commitment to increasing home ownership is closely tied to the thriving Saudi economy. The real estate sector contributes 5% to the country’s GDP, and as the economy continues to diversify, it is expected that more Saudis will overcome affordability challenges20. The Vision 2030 initiative has led to increased employment opportunities and higher incomes, making home ownership more attainable for a larger segment of the population. Despite these challenges, the government’s commitment and the thriving economy provide a positive outlook for home ownership.

The Evolution of the Hospitality Sector in Saudi Arabia

The hospitality sector in Saudi Arabia has seen a significant evolution, primarily driven by the government’s Vision 2030 initiative21. This transformation has led to a surge in domestic tourism, with the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage reporting a 41% increase in domestic trips from 2016 to 2019. The rise of luxury hotels, resorts, and unique dining experiences has played a pivotal role in this growth. However, high land prices and construction costs pose challenges in developing cost-effective accommodation options. The average daily rate for hotels in Riyadh was $163 in 2019, potentially prohibitive for many domestic tourists. Despite these challenges, the sector’s growth has indirectly boosted home ownership opportunities. As real estate analyst Fahad Al Tamimi notes, “The hospitality sector’s growth is indirectly fostering a culture of home ownership.” Yet, striking a balance between sector growth and accommodation affordability is crucial, as emphasised by hotelier Sami Al Hokair.

The Saudi Arabian Lifestyle A Unique Blend of East and West Revisited

The Saudi Arabian lifestyle is a captivating blend of Eastern traditions and Western influences, shaped by factors such as religion, globalisation, and the evolution of the hospitality sector. The hospitality industry, in particular, has played a pivotal role in this cultural synthesis, with the government’s Vision 2030 plan fostering a deliberate effort to diversify the economy and promote tourism. This has led to an influx of international hotel chains and restaurants, bringing Western standards of service and luxury to Saudi Arabia, while still embracing the core values of Arabian hospitality.

This blend of East and West is also reflected in the architectural designs of hospitality establishments, combining traditional Arabian aesthetics with modern Western elements. Looking ahead, the future prospects for the Saudi Arabian lifestyle seem promising. The government’s Vision 2030 plan aims to further enhance this blend by promoting tourism and diversifying the economy, likely attracting more international visitors and fostering cultural exchange. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between preserving cultural heritage and embracing modernity, ensuring the authenticity and richness of the Saudi Arabian lifestyle.
